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Showing posts from 2012

The Wall

Sometimes there seems to be a wall between me and my destiny. It looks like it is impossible to break. My thoughts cannot even go beyond the wall. I always wonder, where does this wall come from; did I create it by my own perceptions?, did somebody put it there? Does my culture have anything to do with this wall? It is very painful not to be able to function at my very best just because of this wall. I have tried everything to get rid of it but all my efforts seem to be in vain. Its like going around the same circle time and again. I need help to breakthrough this wall and my only hope is in the Lord. I will never give up until the Lord gives me victory over this wall for we serve a God of breakthroughs. We serve a God who makes the impossible possible. God please give me strength. This week I encourage you to keep on surrendering until you get your breakthrough. Join me in this battle.

Right Time

We all have projects in mind or things we would like to accomplish. The day and time we decide to start those projects is very crucial. If we undertake a project at the wrong time, it will start looking like a curse instead of a blessing. If we start something at the wrong time it will be very difficult and taxing to complete. Many time I see a lot of Christians with great ideas but because we don't wait for the right timing the ideas become disasters. This in turn creates a bad name for the Christian community. This week I want to encourage patience to wait for the right time. Be in direct communication with God all the time to know which time would be the right time. Lets not rush into things. This is a lesson we all need. Understanding the times is very crucial to success.


Change is all around us. The way the world is now, is totally different from the way it was 100-200 years ago. This is just one example of change. Things change and I believe God is teaching us something about change. God is teaching us that as human beings we have the ability to change. We can change from good to bad or from bad to good. I believe in life we have seen people who have changed from Good to bad and those who have changed from bad to good. It takes a brave and strong person to change from bad to good but changing from from good to bad requires no effort at all. Paul is an example of someone who changed from negative to positive. Paul used to kill and persecute people but he changed and became a very good apostle. Today I want to encourage people to change. Be a person who is always changing from negative to positive. Be brave and never allow fear to hinder you from positive change. A key element in positive change is Jesus Christ. With our own effort it will be har...


1 Timothy 6:6 "But godliness with contentment is great gain" If you are not content with what you have it is time to ask God to give you contentment. Without contentment it will be next to impossible to live happily and to have peace. Lack of contentment can be linked to stress and a lot of other unhealthy behaviours. Sometimes married men and women sleep around because of lack of contentment. People steal because of lack of contentment. People become jealous due to lack of contentment. People lie and deceive other due to lack of contentment, the list goes on and on I have realised that contentment is very important in the life of a Christian. Let us learn to enjoy what we have and not worry about what we don't have. Sometimes even some pastors will take advantage of your lack of contentment. This week I encourage you ask God to give you contentment.

Eish! Surrender

I always hear people talking about surrendering to the will of God as if its something easy. I have realized that it is not easy at all. We human being like to be in control and it is generally not easy to surrender our will to the control of something else. A lot of times it may appear that we have surrendered but in actuality we know that we have not. Surrendering requires a lot of death to self. Every aspect of our life needs to be surrendered to the leadership of the Lord. When we surrender to the Lord things actually become easier because His York is easy. The problem we have is believing if really God is worth surrendering our lives to. Is He worth giving up the control of my life? My personal answer to this question is YES. It is really worth it.

Laziness/being sluggard

Proverbs 13:4 "The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat" We have to understand that God wants us to work. We have to overcome laziness an work so that we can be able to harvest. Some people know how to sow seeds but they don't know how to harvest. If we only give money at church and hope to one day win the lottery we are fooling ourselves. Give because you love God and then go out and work. If you want progress in life, you need to work. Don't just wake up and sit around, DO SOMETHING . Sell sweets,clean, wash cars e.t.c. As you are working God will see your heart and continue promoting you. If you are struggling with laziness ask God to help you breakthrough. He is faithful and He will help you with laziness. Proverbs 26:15 "The slothful hideth his hand in his bosom; it grieveth him to bring it again to his mouth."

Take charge

Its so amazing how human beings are scared of responsibility. People do a lot of things to avoid responsibility. We don't want to be responsible for anything. It always has to be someone's fault if things don't work out well. What I have noticed is that people often refrain from making choices, they let other people make choices so that when it does not go well they have someone to blame. We forget that not making a choice is actually making a choice. My encouragement to you this week is to be a man/woman of honor. Be someone who is willing to make difficult choices and then take responsibility for your choices and actions. Genesis 3:12 "And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." The first human being had a problem of not taking responsibility, let us learn from the past. Let us allow God to remove our inability to take responsibility


Power: 1. the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way 2. the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events I believe we all want to have power. We want the ability to control certain things. We want to have influence over events and things that happen to us. We sometimes even desire to have power over things that we struggles with, it may not be physical things but it can also be things like anger, sadness, worthlessness, love etc. Its nice to have power but it also not nice to feel powerless. The solution to this dilemma is God. In order to be powerful we need to first become powerless. God allows us to feel powerless so that we can go to him to give us power. He is the only one who is all powerful or omnipotent. He has power over everything. The only power He gave us is CHOICE. we either choose Him or not. If we choose Him we become powerful since He gives us power. If we do not choose him we have temporary...


This week I thought I should focus on the prosperity doctrine. I wont write much I just want to share this website with you Just copy and paste the address onto your address bar. I don't know the author personally but I believe he/she definitely has something to share with the world please check it out


In this world we are so competitive. We like to be the best in everything. We like comparing ourselves with other people and then decide if they are better than us or not. We want our work, homes, clothes, churches, sermons, cars e.t.c to be the best. We let what other people do to decide whether we are successful or not. Competition and always trying to be the best is stressful. The way to succeed in life is to be humble and work with others. The way to succeed in life is not the desire to be the best. This week I encourage you to focus on your journey in life and forget about being the best. If you focus on your journey, you will be the best in your journey. Be blessed and enjoy life.

Reaching Our Destination

The Children of Israel had a destination to reach. They were bound for Canaan and ultimately Zion. They had lots of ups and down on their way since leaving Egypt. There were times when God was upset with them and there were times that God was happy with them. Sometimes they were victorious and sometimes not victorious. We also as Children of God have specific desires and goals. Today I want to encourage you that if God has given you a vision or destination do not give up on it. Keep pressing forward and be careful not to go astray and to doubt. Do not give up no matter how the obstacles look like. God will always be with us just as He has always been with us. There is no spiritual force that is greater than God. All forces are under the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. Do not fear do not be weary, only God has the power of life and death. He has got your back. Keep pressing forward into the inheritance provided for you by the Lord.

He Protects

Ladies and gentleman, it is true. God does protect His own. If you desire protection from any force that may come against you, God is the answer. He is the one who constantly protects us. If we move ahead of God and never allow Him to surround us, we will definitely miss out on his protection. If you are a child of God I encourage you not to look for protection anywhere else but look for protection from our Father. We are safe under the shadow of His wings. Rest and be at peace knowing that God has got your back.

Don't explain yourself

There are some things that only you can understand. There are things in life that people will never understand about you. Trying to explain yourself will not always work. Your life as an individual in very unique and sometimes trying to explain yourself will derail you. People always have a plan for your life, parents have plans for their children, your friends have plans for your life, your boss has plans for your life and you spiritual leaders also have plans for your life. Unfortunately sometimes people will be disappointed about the way you are doing things. Trying to explain what is happening in your life and the plans God has for you is not always helpful. People want answers that will suit them and unfortunately some answers are just not enough for people This week I want to encourage you to keep quite, mind your business and work with your hands 1 Thessalonians 4:11 “...and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your h...

Be careful of the "Word"

The Word of God in the Bible is very important to us. The Word of God directs helps give us direction. Without the Word of God our amour would be incomplete. The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit and we use it to slice the enemy into pieces. God even exalts the Word of God above himself. God always makes sure that His Word is accomplished On the other hand the enemy also knows the Word of God, he used the same Word of God to tempt Jesus. The truth is the enemy can still use the Word of God to lead you astray. In order to hold on to the correct Word of God, we must be in the right position/ right stand with God. Sometimes we go astray because we do not live according to the correct Word for our situation. For example God may say "repent and I will forgive you" but instead we say "I am more than a conquer". It is very important to listen to the Holy Spirit and apply the correct Word in our lives. In order for the Word of God to be living in our life, we have...

Trust in man Vs God

Micah 7:5 "Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom" Jeremiah 9:4 "Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders." Its very important not to put our trust in people. No matter how good a person may be, the bottom line is they are not God. For that very reason we must not put our confidence in man. Man is not like God. Man changes and God does not change. Humans will disappoint you even if they do not intend to do so. Work hand in hand with people, love people, forgive people but do not put your confidence in them.This week I encourage you to put your confidence in God, it will help keep you in perfect peace and help you deal with disappointment Its a good thing to trust God with your friends and family. Trust God that He will cause them to do the right thing or treat...


Most of the time as human beings we are filled with fear. We fear to be ourselves, we are fearful concerning our future, we are fearful concerning our families, we fear carrying out God's will, the list goes on and on. I am a man who is attacked by fear as well. I am not immune to fear. This world I live in is sometimes very uncertain. I never know how people are going to react to me or how certain events are going to unfold. My only hope is in God. Even though I may be full of fear, one thing for sure is that God promises He will never put us to shame. God is not going to allow fear to limit me. He gives me victory over fear every time it comes. This week I want to encourage you to trust God to overcome fear for you. If you have fear concerning anything you feel God would like you to do, I encourage you to just do it.

What Happened

The state of the church is starting to become like the days of the Pharisees. Laws and rules are emphasized more than following the leadership of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus was on earth He mentioned said in Mar 2:17 “ …I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” We are called to help those who are in need of the Gospel, we are called to love people and lead them to Jesus. I think the church today needs to learn to give people the benefit of the doubt. When Jesus was on earth the people He was angry with most of the time were the Pharisees. They were supposed to be the ones who knew and practiced the law but they were using the law to hurt people and push their own agendas. I sometimes wonder where all the rules and laws in the Christian community come from; here are examples of false rules and laws in the Christian community • “if a church is big it means God is there” • “if people receive healing in a church it means God is there” • “if someone performs miracl...

Flesh is Flesh

The flesh cannot be tamed by our human strength. No matter how hard we try and no matter how many rules we create and follow, the flesh will remain the flesh. The only way to have victory over the flesh is to surrender to the leadership of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only one who had victory over the flesh. Once we are born again we have to reckon and understand that the Lord has given us victory over the flesh. On our own we cannot and will never have victory over the desires of the flesh. As long as we are here on earth the flesh will continually have war with the Holy Spirit. The flesh is flesh even the good part of the flesh is still evil. When we accomplish things by way of the flesh, even good things, its still evil. The flesh is very crafty, it knows that we humans like to look good and we like to worship God. It will make it seem like we are on the right path. The pride of the flesh is very dangerous. This week I want us to be careful of the flesh, both the sinfu...

Let it Go

Philippians 3:13-14 "....Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." There are so many people or events that can hurt us, and sometimes we are faced with people who may be cruel to us. Today I advice you to allow yourself to let go. Holding on to hurt only builds bitterness. Bitterness is very crafty, it can sneak into your heart and before you know it you are this person full of hate and anger. We have to be very careful about what we say about those who have hurt us. We need to listen to ourselves speaking. What are we saying and thinking about others, I know sometimes it may be hard to let go of some people but by God's grace we can. It will only benefit us to let go. It is for our own good. We don't want to move around full of bitterness. LET GO CHOMI

Romans 6:6

Romans 6:6 "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin." As born again children of God we have to live this Scripture. We need to know that the old man is dead. Our old man of sin is crucified with Christ. We have to understand that this kind of knowing is not only knowing with our minds. It has top be an experience. We have to know with our spirit. Our inner man has to have an encounter with the Lord Jesus. Lets be clear not to serve the old man of sin. God trough the Holy Spirit has given us the ability to serve Him. Let the old man remain dead

I am Limited

We have very limited power. We as humans believe are capable of doing a lot of things. We have a very strong will and if we put our minds to something we can actually do it. This can be seen in the building of the tower of Babel. Sometimes we are able to accomplish a lot of things that may not even be the will of God. We are stubborn and very creative. Although we have the power to do so much, it is very limited. As human being our power goes to a certain extent and then diminishes. That is why I have decided to give up on my own strength and power because if I kept going that way I would eventually be defeated. I have decided to allow God to have all power in my life. I have realized that indeed God is all powerful, there is absolutely no power above the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The only power I have comes from the Lord Jesus Christ and this means I cannot be defeated. I can only be defeated if I stray away from Him and decide I am powerful. 2 Samuel 22:33 "God is my ...

Take Heed

Jeremiah 22 1 Thus saith the Lord; Go down to the house of the king of Judah, and speak there this word, 2 And say, Hear the word of the Lord, O king of Judah, that sittest upon the throne of David, thou, and thy servants, and thy people that enter in by these gates: 3 Thus saith the Lord; Execute ye judgment and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, neither shed innocent blood in this place. 4 For if ye do this thing indeed, then shall there enter in by the gates of this house kings sitting upon the throne of David, riding in chariots and on horses, he, and his servants, and his people. 5 But if ye will not hear these words, I swear by myself, saith the Lord, that this house shall become a desolation. This is a warning to all the leaders in the Church today.Take heed.

Our Hope

Ephesians 1:18 "The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints" This is what it is all about. Our eyes need to be continually enlightened so that we may understand this great hope of our calling. We have a hope that we will have a home in heaven one day. We believe that with Him all things are possible. We believe that with Him life is better. This is the hope of our calling, in Him there is protection, safety and stability. We have an inheritance waiting for us. Let us be careful not to forfeit our inheritance, the way we live our lives while here on earth determines how we will spend our eternity. Let us be a church that is focused on eternity. It does not end here on earth. This is our hope and never forget that.

He has been given the Platform

It is very painful and upsetting to see how the devil has been given a platform to show what he can do and what he is capable of. He has been given a platform right here in the church. He plainly tells us that he comes in the form of water spirits, witchcraft, snake spirits etc. He proudly manifests himself and our church leaders are happy when it happens. Our church leaders sometimes talk to these demons and play around with the them. Its simply a show. I would recommend that leaders just cast these demons out instead of giving them a platform. We have to understand that the enemy knows that people will not just listen to him so he will make ways to spread his message and he has found a way to spread his message right in front of our eyes in the church. Our church leaders like this because it causes curiosity and brings a lot of people to the church and that equals tithes and offerings. I was very surprised when watching TV the other day, a preacher in Zimbabwe mentioned that he wen...


The world is full of different people. We are all different from one another. We get along with some people better than others. Sometimes we prefer certain kinds of people over others. We just don't like some characters, because they are just plain irritating. Some people just suck on your life and you never get anything from them. Some people are just too controlling and never give you a space to breath. Some people are just rude, some people are dirty e.t.c the list can go on about certain things we don't like in different individuals. The problem is that sometimes we don't acknowledged to ourselves that we don't like certain characters. If we don't not acknowledge certain things to God and to ourselves we will not grow. We will remain the same. If you want to be able to accept different kinds of people understand that they are not all the same and there are certain things about them that you may not like, but if you bring it before the Lord and you acknowledg...

With You

Matthew 28:20 "....lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world" Jesus mentions that He is will always be with us. Always means all the time regardless of what you are doing or what is happening to you. In everything we do Jesus is always with us. The verse Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." is different from I am with you always. The one in Hebrews 13 talks about the character of God. His character never changes. He will always remain the same. Hebrews 13 however does not mean that God will always answer us the same way. It does not mean that He will always do things in our lives the same way. If He answered you a certain way in the past it does not mean He will answer you the same way in the future. If something bad happened to you in the past it does not mean that it will happen to you again. If something good happened to you in the past it does not mean it will happen again. God promises us that He ...

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani

Matthew 28:46 "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Jesus was doing a new thing here. It was something that had never been done and will never be done again. He was being crucified for our sins so that we may be connected to God. It was a new thing altogether and the best thing ever for human kind. When God is doing a new thing in our lives or is preparing to do a new thing in our lives it may seem like He has forsaken us. When He is about to give us a new revelation about Him sometimes it may seem like He has forsaken us. God likes brokenness, He wants to break everything that we know and teach us new things His way as we grow from glory to glory. God wants us to be open before Him, when we feel like He has forsaken us, let Him know and He will tell you what to do. Today I want to encourage you to hold on to God no matter what happens because He is doin...

Which Battle To Fight.

"Choose your battles" Today I want to encourage you to choose your battles carefully. Sometimes we are tempted to fight battles that do not belong to us. It is very important to hear God and understand that God is the one who is to choose our battles and also give us a battle plan. Without the leadership of the Lord every battle you fight will end up in defeat. As Children of God we are warriors, we are constantly fighting spiritual battles, however its a shame that some people are always defeated because they are constantly fighting battles which do not belong to them. Before you carry out a battle always ask yourself "Is it worth it?" some battles are not worth fighting. Please make sure that you fight your God ordained battles and He will be the one in front of you. Don't just fight haphazardly.

Home in Heaven

There are many Scriptures in the Holy Bible that speak about heaven. Heaven is our destination where we will dwell eternally with the Creator. It is a place where there will be no tears and no sorrow. It is a place that will be full of joy and full of the glory of God. It is a place where there will be no sickness at all. This world that we are living in is a temporary dwelling place. We are being prepared for our final home. Be careful not to get caught up with the things of this world. Let us always keep in mind as Christians that we are in a Journey Home. Be careful not to be led astray by a movement in church which focuses on the things of this world. True joy and freedom is found in the will of God and in nothing else. Let us always remember what Christianity is all about. You know there is a problem when Christians fight for positions, and for possessions. Let us remember to guard our hearts with all diligence. Be blessed and lets continue moving towards home.


Proverbs 20:3 " It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling. " The book of proverbs is full of wisdom, if you want to grow in wisdom read the book of proverbs. This time Proverbs 20:3 caught my attention. It mentions that it is honorable to cease from strife (Conflict, fight, friction, rivalry). It is very important to avoid strife. Avoiding strife is very helpful to our spiritual growth. Some people like strife, they just want to continuously cause friction and conflict. One thing I have noticed about people like this is that they are rarely peaceful. The Bible mentions that one who is continually meddling (Intrusive, noisy, officious(bossy)) is a fool. Don't allow yourself to be a fool. Avoid strife, some comments and fights are really not necessary. Allow people to get away with some things now and then. Be accommodating of others. Please don't be known for always fighting people unnecessarily. Don't be known as someone...


Job 1:10 Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. God puts a hedge of protection around us. He protects us from harm. Sometimes we notice when He protects us and sometimes we don’t notice. As long as we continue to walk in His path, He will protect us. When we are under attack in any way or form, He protects us and if He allows us to be under attack it will ultimately be for our good. This week, be conscious that you are protected. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Be in the will of God and you will be protected

In its time

He makes everything new in its time Our God is a God of restoration. He is a God who renews us. He is our panel beater and our perfecter. With Him all things continually become new. It is an absolute truth and an absolute constant that God continually makes everything new in our lives. The way we look at things continually changes as we grow in the Lord. If we never see change in the way we look at the world and people around us, we must be concerned because it means we are stagnant. Our God continually renews our feelings, and our reactions to certain things. If you are concerned about a certain behavior or feeling that you don't like, bring it to the Lords attention and then soften your heart to change. Remember its not by might or by power but by his spirit that we will change. Don't try to do it on your own without the Lord it will not last. I am encouraging you this week to start noticing growth in your life. I am encouraging you this week to start looking at God as...

Christian Disciplines

There are so many things that the Word of God mentions for us to practice as Christians. These things include prayer, and going to church or meeting to share testimonies and the Word of God. There is however a wrong direction that the Church is taking. There is no longer seriousness in these disciplines. People now think of it as "cool" something that we do in order for other people to see. The church now looks like the World. We compete on how we pray, we compete on how we attend church and we compete on all other Christian disciplines. I wonder why? is it because it makes us feel better about ourselves, better than other people? This behavior causes us to be judgmental and think God is pleased with us. Today I just want to encourage everyone that God is more important that all the other things that we Christian do like Church, Prayer, tithes e.t.c Let us pray for the right reasons, Let us tithe for the right reasons, let us go to church for the right reasons and that i...

The New Man

Ephesians 4:24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. This is as simple a scripture as they come, we don't need to interpret it or wonder about it. It is simply straight forward. "PUT ON THE NEW MAN" The only question we may ask ourselves is HOW? How do we put on the new man? The answer is also very simple and that is through Christ. It is only by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of David, that we can be able to put on the new man. So today ask Him what you need to put away and yield to Him, If you yield to Him, He will assist you in putting away the old man. Come before Him with an honest heart and let Him know your struggles. Let Him know what is in your heart. Open it fully to Him. This applies to Christians, as Christians we have to continually put on the new man. It does not only happen once at Salvation but it has to be continuous, otherwise we do not move forward. To grow fro...


Where do we really get our peace as Christians. Do we get it from having lots of Money, Do we get it from being in high positions in our society, do we get it from being in positions of power where we have a lot of influence,do we get our peace from having lots of expensive possessions, do we get it from having lots of pleasures. Lets continually asses our hearts. What really gives us peace? If it is God who gives us peace, why do we continually talk money in church, if it is God who gives us peace why do we always fight for positions and gossip about those in leadership, if it is God who gives us peace why do we always want to show others that we are more powerful than them, If it is God who gives us peace why do we get into serious dept because we want to have lots of expensive possessions and if it is God who gives us peace why do we always have to have pleasures in Church, if there is no exciting thing in church we get restless and move to a church which has lots of fun program...

Absolutely no one!

God has something in store for each and everyone of us. No one is destined to be a failure. God wants us succeed in every task He assigns us, and He gives us the ability to accomplish it. I am telling you today if you stick to what He assigns you, you will be successful and absolutely no one and nothing can stop you. Just be careful not to be derailed, because that is the only thing that can steal your destiny. If our eyes are not fixed on the Lord Jesus we will definitely loose our inheritance. This week its just a small encouragement that absolutely no one can steal our destiny and inheritance.No demon, witch, curse or whatever we may think of can steal our destiny. We just have to persevere and listen to God's voice. NO ONE CAN STEAL YOUR DESTINY

It is TRUE

I am today confirming that this Word "He makes a way where there seems to be no way" is very true. The Lord Jesus Christ indeed makes a way where there seems to be no way. There are situations and battles which seem impossible to defeat but today I testify that, God can grant you victory in every demon/battle you face. Our biggest problem is that we give up, we look at things with our natural eyes and then fear fills us. Today I encourage you to face that demon in the Name of Jesus Christ and you will be victorious. It may take a while but if you continually seek Him I assure you victory will come. I am so glad that the Lord has given me victory over a lot of spiritual battles that I have been fighting. Today I stand proud declaring that the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the one who died and rose again gives victory. The enemy will try to pull you down because of mistakes and words you may have spoken ignorantly, but today I am telling you that if you are repentant ...


People be very careful, be very very careful especially during these last days. There is a movement in the Christian circle which is not based on Scripture. We need to always remember that is is through Jesus Christ that we are able to overcome. Jesus Christ is the Center of Christianity, once we remove Him out of the picture the whole thing is not Christianity anymore. If God asks you to do something it is only through Christ that we can accomplish it. So many people say "I can do this and that", "I can do what God tells me to do" e.t.c but they for get to say THROUGH CHRIST . It is Christ who is the center of Christianity. He is the way to accomplishing anything we want to accomplish. My encouragement this week is remember Christ is the center, if you remove Him out of the picture its something else. Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

The Whole Bible

The Word of God is very interesting. It has a lot of hidden truth in it, that is why we need to pray before reading it. God has granted us the Bible as a primary way of learning about Him and about us. It is the primary way He talks to us. He can talk to us in many other ways but the Bible is the primary way, and whatever God speaks to us must be in line with the Bible. Le us be people who read the Bible ourselves. Let us not just wait until Sunday to hear a preacher because He can't possibly teach everything we need to know. Sometimes we as pastors just choose certain Scriptures that we like and we do not teach you about other Scriptures that we may not necessarily like. If you want to progress in your spiritual life, read the Bible yourself. Find out what God wants to say to you personally. Even when people prophesy into your life check it out first, don't just believe everything. Its a shame that sometimes we as pastors say things that are not from God because we want favo...

Welcome to 2012

Dumelang (greetings) Let me take this opportunity to welcome you to the year 2012, you have made it. This is a year that the Lord has made for you and me and everyone alive. If we are still on this earth there is a reason otherwise we would not be here. Lets start this year by asking the Lord to lead us and direct us. Remember we need to commit our ways to Him. I am personally excited about this year because the Lord has revealed that it will be a year of establishment for us at Progressive Glory International Church . It is good to have a vision as a church but more importantly it is important to have a personal vision as well. This year lets have a more personal relationship with the Lord. I encourage you to set aside time to spend with the Lord on a daily basis. Ask Him to constantly remind you to spend time with Him. I encourage you to be dependent upon the Lord this year. If challenges come your way this year remember to seek the face of the Lord and continue moving forwar...