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Showing posts from 2010

Don’t be left behind

There is a new move of the Spirit world wide. Be careful not to be left behind. This generation is a generation of GRACE. The time for doing things for the Lord like “reaching the masses” is gone. It is time we reach the masses after receiving a word from the Lord. A time for proving ourselves to the Lord is past. In this generation we only do what the Lord wants us to do. It is not a generation where we force ourselves by our own strength to appear righteous before the Lord. This generation is ground breaking. A time for running after money is gone. This is a time of God’s grace. Be careful not to be left behind. A time for tying to be a legend is gone. A time to be respected and honored is gone. It is a time to receive whatever the Lord has in store for you in your path as you seek Him. The time for belonging to a certain denomination, organization or fellowship is gone. Please read this carefully because I don’t want anyone to be left behind. A time for trying to be like one of ...


The Body of Christ, meaning you and me if you have given your life to the Lord, is a team. We need to learn to be good team players. I was not a team player for a long time in my life even after I got saved. I pretended to be a team player but I was not. I say this because I always wanted to be recognized. I wanted to be seen and given credit by men for all the “wonderful” ideas I have put forth. If someone else took credit for MY idea I felt very angry inside. The truth however is that, whatever we do, the Lord knows it. We do not have to be in the lime light and gain recognition for what we do. The Lord recognizes it. In a team if we want to be in the lime light we are going to destroy the team because we won’t pass the ball to others. We won’t be able to be happy for others when they progress. If one of us is moving forward and coming up with good ideas let us be happy. Let us recognize that the Lord can use anyone regardless of what we think of them. Let us be careful that we do...

Different thoughts

The world is so diverse; there are different kinds of people, White, black, colored, Asians etc. Even though we are all different we all have a common thing, God. We all have weaknesses and we need God. We are all under the control of God. He also allows us not to follow Him (not Good for us). To follow Him is always the best choice. Some people are very blessed because growing up they were not taught to be inferior or superior to other races and people. Even amongst the different races, there are different cultures and classes. There is no doubt that we cannot survive independent of each other. For example God blessed Europeans and Americans so that they may spread His word but it seems they then became selfish and guess what is happening, Africa and Asia are beginning to rise, I hope we will do the will of God. There are so many people that we are involved with in our lives and the questions we should always ask ourselves is “Do I feel inferior or superior to another perso...

Who are You

From reading the Books written by Paul, one sure thing stands out. He knew what He was called to do. In most of his introductions He says calls himself an Apostle. The one I like is the one in 1 Corinthians 1:1"Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God ,..." It seems that it was not his own doing and it was not by his strength that He was chosen to be an apostle. It was just simply the will of God. It is important to step into the will of God for our lives. What is the will of God for your life? What does God want you to do? We are not to step into a will that we are not called into, it is called stealing. This will never bring peace and it will always cause you to strife within yourself and with others. Peace comes from yielding ourselfs to the will of God. (yielding to righteousness Romans 6:13). Yielding to what God has called us to do does not require our strength but it requires surrender. 

There she is Lebo (Lebza the Lady)

One and Only