There is a new move of the Spirit world wide. Be careful not to be left behind. This generation is a generation of GRACE. The time for doing things for the Lord like “reaching the masses” is gone. It is time we reach the masses after receiving a word from the Lord. A time for proving ourselves to the Lord is past. In this generation we only do what the Lord wants us to do. It is not a generation where we force ourselves by our own strength to appear righteous before the Lord. This generation is ground breaking. A time for running after money is gone. This is a time of God’s grace. Be careful not to be left behind. A time for tying to be a legend is gone. A time to be respected and honored is gone. It is a time to receive whatever the Lord has in store for you in your path as you seek Him.
The time for belonging to a certain denomination, organization or fellowship is gone. Please read this carefully because I don’t want anyone to be left behind. A time for trying to be like one of the past great leaders except Christ is gone. This is a time for Grace. This is a time to be led by the spirit. A time for dictating the where the spirit should take you is gone. It is a time to be led by the Spirit wherever He wishes. A time for cults is gone. The time for great things is here. Be careful not to be left behind.
A time for seeking miracles is Gone. This is a time for miracles to flow from the knowledge of God. A time for looking good on the outside is gone. A time for trying to look blessed is gone. A time for trying to look holy and favored is gone. This is a time for gods grace.
A time for judging other Christians and trying to look better than them is gone. A time for trying to change people and churches is gone. It is a time for allowing God into the picture. This is this generation. This is what I am a part of and what I am all about. Be careful not to be left behind.
Any questions about what is needed to survive in this generation contact or communicate with the Lord and He will lead you to an answer. There are many ways that the Lord answers i.e. trough people, His Word, circumstances e.t.c
We aren't supposed to try and be like Christian Leaders from the past?? Paul said, if we needed an example "to live as he did". That's what the entire Bible is about. It is full of examples that God has and is using to teach us. Yes, Christ is the ultimate example, but even He quoted from those who had come before Him. God places people in our lives, so we can "glean" from them. This helps us because they are tangible people.
I think I understand what you are trying to say, but......
I understand you perfectly.