Luke 17:1 "Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!"
In this life people are going to hurt you. People are going to put words that you never spoke in your mouth. People are going to speak bad things about you. People are going to misunderstand you. People are going to blame you for things that you have never done. People are going to think that you are crazy. People are going to want you to fit into their box and if you don't, they will hurt you and say terrible things that you never even imagined. People that you have always trusted may turn against you.
People want your soul and if you have not given your life to the Lord or you are luke warm, you will be a play ground for people and the enemy. It may look like you are succeeding but if your soul is not in the right place you are just being used. If you are not surrendered to the Lord you are a slave, rather be a slave to the Lord because His yoke is easy and his burden is light. The Lord's burden is lighter than the yoke of people and the enemy.
Life is not as smooth as we want it to be, but thanks to Jesus He always makes a way and always makes our paths straight even when it seems like we are doomed. If we keep asking the Lord to hold us up, He will hold us up through thick and thin. Have a good week and remember God loves you