Where do we really get our peace as Christians. Do we get it from having lots of Money, Do we get it from being in high positions in our society, do we get it from being in positions of power where we have a lot of influence,do we get our peace from having lots of expensive possessions, do we get it from having lots of pleasures.
Lets continually asses our hearts. What really gives us peace? If it is God who gives us peace, why do we continually talk money in church, if it is God who gives us peace why do we always fight for positions and gossip about those in leadership, if it is God who gives us peace why do we always want to show others that we are more powerful than them, If it is God who gives us peace why do we get into serious dept because we want to have lots of expensive possessions and if it is God who gives us peace why do we always have to have pleasures in Church, if there is no exciting thing in church we get restless and move to a church which has lots of fun programs.
What really gives us peace? Remember everything comes to an end except Jesus Christ
John 14:27Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.(KJV)