Its so amazing how human beings are scared of responsibility. People do a lot of things to avoid responsibility. We don't want to be responsible for anything. It always has to be someone's fault if things don't work out well. What I have noticed is that people often refrain from making choices, they let other people make choices so that when it does not go well they have someone to blame. We forget that not making a choice is actually making a choice. My encouragement to you this week is to be a man/woman of honor. Be someone who is willing to make difficult choices and then take responsibility for your choices and actions. Genesis 3:12 "And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." The first human being had a problem of not taking responsibility, let us learn from the past. Let us allow God to remove our inability to take responsibility
Seasoned non judgemental progressive counsellor