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Showing posts from September, 2012

Take charge

Its so amazing how human beings are scared of responsibility. People do a lot of things to avoid responsibility. We don't want to be responsible for anything. It always has to be someone's fault if things don't work out well. What I have noticed is that people often refrain from making choices, they let other people make choices so that when it does not go well they have someone to blame. We forget that not making a choice is actually making a choice. My encouragement to you this week is to be a man/woman of honor. Be someone who is willing to make difficult choices and then take responsibility for your choices and actions. Genesis 3:12 "And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." The first human being had a problem of not taking responsibility, let us learn from the past. Let us allow God to remove our inability to take responsibility


Power: 1. the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way 2. the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events I believe we all want to have power. We want the ability to control certain things. We want to have influence over events and things that happen to us. We sometimes even desire to have power over things that we struggles with, it may not be physical things but it can also be things like anger, sadness, worthlessness, love etc. Its nice to have power but it also not nice to feel powerless. The solution to this dilemma is God. In order to be powerful we need to first become powerless. God allows us to feel powerless so that we can go to him to give us power. He is the only one who is all powerful or omnipotent. He has power over everything. The only power He gave us is CHOICE. we either choose Him or not. If we choose Him we become powerful since He gives us power. If we do not choose him we have temporary...


This week I thought I should focus on the prosperity doctrine. I wont write much I just want to share this website with you Just copy and paste the address onto your address bar. I don't know the author personally but I believe he/she definitely has something to share with the world please check it out


In this world we are so competitive. We like to be the best in everything. We like comparing ourselves with other people and then decide if they are better than us or not. We want our work, homes, clothes, churches, sermons, cars e.t.c to be the best. We let what other people do to decide whether we are successful or not. Competition and always trying to be the best is stressful. The way to succeed in life is to be humble and work with others. The way to succeed in life is not the desire to be the best. This week I encourage you to focus on your journey in life and forget about being the best. If you focus on your journey, you will be the best in your journey. Be blessed and enjoy life.