The Lord is our healer and He is able to heal anything not only our physical body but our soul and spirit as well. The only way to get spiritual healing is to be connected to God. After being connected to God in your spirit then the Soul and the Physical being will be able to receive healing.
I believe that to a certain extent we have all been emotionally wounded and we need healing in our emotions. If we do not receive emotional healing we become full of resentment and and anger. We view things and people with wounds. The strange thing is that we sometimes hide our wounds. We don't want anyone near our true self. We build up walls. We push other people away and hurt them in order to protect out wounds.
If we do not allow God to heal us, we do not grow. A 45 year old person can have emotions and behaviors of a 5 year old. This is not normal. If there has been pain in our past, let us allow God to heal us so that we can grow. Imagine what happens if one does not take a physical wound to the doctor, it gets rotten and it smells. If our emotions are not healed people around us will tend to avoid us because we just stink in our conversation and behavior. This week ask God to show you the pain in your soul and allow him to heal you. It maybe caused by many things like: absence of a father/mother, divorce, abandonment by close friends,etc the list goes on and on.