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Showing posts from 2009

My Wife to be

This Blog is one of the very important blogs I have ever written because it is about someone special in my life. I am currently in the internet cafe and I cannot post a picture of her because I do not have some pictures with me. Saturday the 28th November is the day when my family is going to meet her family in a big celebration where we will be handing them some gifts as a form of appreciation. I am very happy about this. It is a very important time in my life. I am very grateful for to the Lord for keeping us together until this time and giving us the grace to wait. I am very grateful. Malebogo Sehemo is a very wonderful lady. I can without a doubt say that I have never met anyone like her and I have never loved anyone like I love her. She is a gift from the Lord. She is patient with me and she is very humble and she always stands by me and she speaks the truth gently to me. This may seem like an exaggeration but it is not she is truly a beauty both inside and outside. She loves ...


Yesterday during my devotional time, the Lord led me to Matthew 25:15. The interesting thing about this particular verse is that after the Master gave the guys the talents, He left straightaway (KJV). I always missed the straightaway part. Yesterday it seemed to me that it was rather unfair for the Lord not to tell them what to do with the talents He gave them. I know the Lord as the Lord who gives us direction as to how we must use whatever He gave us. This is why this verse seemed strange to me. It even became more unfair to me that when He came back He required more from the guys and yet He did not tell the guys what they should do. The answer from the Lord was quite simple when I asked Him. He said there are people around us who tell us what do to with our talents because He has sent them. Sometimes we fear to take Godly advice because of preconcieved ideas. sometimes we fail to take oppotunities that the Lord has placed before us because we just do not trust anyone. we are a...

It’s ok for someone to be better than you.

There is a big problem that we have as human beings. We always want to be the best. We always want to be the most loved, the most appreciated, the most important, the most listened to, the best speaker, the most focused, the most compassionate, the one to be followed, the one who has answers to everything, the list goes on and on. From my own experience I have realized that there will always be someone better. There will always be someone who does things better than you and me. The question we should be asking ourselves is “what does God say about us?” regardless of how your co-workers are better treated than you by your boss, or your brothers and sisters are better treated by your family and friends, e.t.c. Listen I had to learn this lesson also and the spirit behind it had to be dealt with. It is pure bondage. If we are doing our best in what God has in store for us let us not be concerned about the next person. Praise God when they progress along. God sees everything and He alw...

Fear and Respect

I have been meditating on these two words for a while. I have come to realize that there is a big difference between fear and respect. Some people say they respect their spouses, parents, ladies and guys, boys and girls, friends, boy friends and girlfriends, family and bosses while in actual fact they fear them. I am saying this from my own experience. The only fear we should have is the fear of God. Any other fear is contrary to the will of God and it will definitely take us out of the path that he has intended for us. We must respect other people but we must not fear them. Fear brings a lot of things like deceit and flattery. In the work place and in our homes, there must not be fear of man. It must only be the fear of God and respect. On the other end we cannot force anyone to respect us. Remember we gave our rights to the Lord when we gave our lives to Him including the right to be respected. We should be very humbled and grateful when people respect us. Please look into this matte...


There is much I can say about Zion but I will just mention a few things. What is Zion ? According to Scripture it is where the Lord dwells, His favorite place. Psa 9:11 Sing praises to Jehovah, who dwells in Zion ; declare among the nations His deeds. Psa 132:13 Jehovah has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling-place. Rev 14:1 And I looked, and lo, the Lamb stood on Mount Zion . And with Him were a hundred and forty-four thousands, having His Father's name written in their foreheads. With all that said, the Lord wants us to strife for His best, so that we may dwell in Heavenly Mount Zion with Him. The Scriptures give us clear instructions on the choices we should make. Being God’s best is just being yourself and yielding to the Spirit of God. That is what we were designed for. Let us strife to be close to the Lord in heavenly Mount Zion . If you want to know more about the vision of Zion (God’s vision), please do not hesitate to contact me. This is just a little info...

Believing is an act of our mind.

I know the Lord can do it, but I just do not believe it. I have come to realize that believing is a very important thing in the life of a believer. In My life I have known that the Lord can do things but I just did not believe it. The Lord has been teaching me to believe His Word, to believe Him when he says something. Let us not be those who say; “I know you can do it, I trust you but I just do not believe it” The Lord showed me how this is very important. Let us believe the Lord together when He speaks to us.

How does it work?

We always want to know how things work. We trust so much in ourselves that sometimes when things work out and we do not know how it happened, it makes us feel uncomfortable. Sometimes we may even feel that one day it will all fall apart because we just do not know how it is working. We are children of God and He steps in many times to help us. We do not have to know how He does it or how it works, but we just have to trust that He is in control. I struggled with this for a long time. I am learning to trust God in everything I do, even when I do not know how the solution came up, How he made it work. It will not fall apart because God has fixed it.


God only functions on truth. He does not scare people. He just says it as it is. Our duty is just to make a choice. Are we going to make the right choice when presented with the truth? For example, the Lord says Jesus Joh 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” He is not trying to scare us, He is just telling us the plain truth. The enemy is the one who works through fear. God just tells the truth and whatever He says, happens. Everyday, hour, minute and second we make decisions and it is very crucial that we make a wise decisions. It will not be wise to ride a car if the Lord told you it is going to crash, because that is just what is going to happen. It will crash. The Lord does not threaten us in order for us to do His will. He is just telling us plainly that if He is not in our lives, we are heading for hell. It is not a threat. It is just the plain truth. God is the most truthful and the most real, we canno...

It is impossible

I have realised that it is impossible to live for God. I have seen so many people trying to live for God and they fail. So many people get hurt trying to live for God and so many people become bitter trying to live for God. People just expect a lot from people when they say that they are Christians. We try so hard to live up to the standard that people have set for us and all it leads to is misery. It is very clear to me that it is impossible to live for God. It is however very possible to allow the Lord to live through us. It is not about us, but it is about Jesus. He wants us to lay everything at His feet, all we have to do is to make a choice and then allow Him to lead us by His grace. This includes everything from being able to read your bible everyday, driving, helping people, working, forgiving, loving, correcting, being corrected, and basically everything. This is possible only by the grace of God. People like giving compliments and telling us we have done a good job, but basica...

Do I really need God?

I pray, I know God loves me, I know he protects me, I know he has rescued me from sin and many traps, I know he protects me and guides me. But have I come to the realization that I need Him? It is interesting how God did a lot of things for me and yet I had not yet come to a place where I realized that I needed Him. I now understand what it means to need God. I really really need Him. He is my way, truth and life. He has broken through to me. I am my beloveds and I seek to do His will. I need Him. My question to you my friend is do you think you need God? Close your eyes and look deep inside your heart. Ask yourself the same question that God put in my heart: Do I really need God? I am not talking about salvation. You are saved my friend, but do you need God?

Nothing just happens

There is no such thing as luck. Things do not just happen. Everything we see and hear is orchestrated by someone and that someone is God. He has the whole world in His arms and under His control. It does not only end there; there are things that happen in the spirit, in a dimension that we do not always see. This is where spiritual forces operate; this area affects the natural things/physical things that we see. The Lord is also in control of this area. As we communicate with Him, he causes a shifting to happen in the spirit and we see the outcome in the natural. I used to be blind to this important truth, my mind was limited to the natural things or physical things. Everything is spiritual, absolutely everything. If we want victory, let us go to the one who is in control of everything.


When there is something I think is wrong about someone. I believe the best thing is to tell them directly. I realized that when they hear about it from someone else it hurts and it makes people build walls. I always ask the Lord to help me to be straight with people, and I do my best to put all my cards on the table. Are all your cards on the table? It is just not fun to hide your cards. In our weakness He is strong. If you believe that the Lord wants you to do something never be afraid to put it on the table. Sure it is not easy but the truth is God always backs you up. It also baffles me. We have so many Do's and Don't so many rules to the point where we miss God. Yes there must be rules and yes we must allow the Spirit to lead us. BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE.

Let us be Careful

It is interesting how we can have opinions about people. If your opinion about someone is negative and you always meditate on that thing, it is not healthy. There is a reason why the Word of God says: Php 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Sometimes we want people to do things our way; we are in an endeavor to change people. We forget that only God can change people, our duty is just to present the truth and continue loving people even if they do not take our counsel. One thing I have realized is that when I try hard to change people, it stresses me out. My mind becomes darkened and I do not see things clearly. I start to see other wrong things with the person. I start to move backwards instead of forward. Eish bitterness!! It starts to spread...


I did not know that there could be so many bad sexual things in a person. Here is a list of some of the bad things that the Lord has showed me. I hope that in sharing this with you, there are some things that will be revealed in your heart and you will hand them over to the Lord. The Lord is willing and able to pull you through only if you allow Him and depend on His grace. Bad sexual dreams Rape/ vengeful sex Sexual Imaginations Lust Impure sexual thoughts Anal sex Adultery Fornication Incest Molestation Masturbation Acceptance sex (having wrong sex in order to be accepted) I am not married yet and I am so grateful that the Lord has searched my heart and helped me pull though all these things. I have not literally committed all these, but they were resident in my heart. It is shocking I could not even believe it myself. All these things have got roots, I am sure the Lord will reveal the roots to all those things in your heart.


Imagine what the world would look like if we were all victorious. This thought just excites my whole being, a place where everyone is moving in the fullness of God, a place where people will forget about themselves and embrace Love. It does not help to be selfish; there is no reward in selfishness.   It helps to love and to allow people to experience Love. It helps to allow the Lord to give us the grace to show Love to those around us. It may sometimes seem hard or “look foolish”, but the rewards are unimaginable. When we show Love to those who are around us and remember that it is all about Jesus, there are endless possibilities.   I want to be victorious and I want the people around me to be victorious. I am going to believe the Lord for this. By His grace, there will be change around me. Please join me in this battle, let us allow the Lord to use us to put those who are around us first, there are no boundaries when it comes to Love, try it and see, it works. ...


NO So many times people misinterpret the word "NO". NO is a very good word. Sometimes when people say NO, to us, we may interpret it as the following: I hate you, You are not worth it, You are stupid, You are not my friend, and sometimes we even think the person who is saying NO is selfish and inconsiderate. This however is not true. If we view everything as coming from the Lord and we believe that He is the one who is ordering our steps, then this mentality will change. God sometimes says NO to our requests. This does not mean He does not care about us. He is always on our side. It is very dangerous to assume and judge from the outside. This is what the enemy wants he does not want us to be deep. He wants us to be shallow. Let us fight this battle together, I am honestly one of you guys. There is grace available. On the other hand, when you say NO to people it does not mean that you are insensitive, it does not mean that you do not care, it also does not mean you do not Love...


I have always heard people saying the truth hurts. I choose to disagree with this statement. The truth does not hurt. The only thing that the truth does is to bring freedom and relief to the person telling the truth and to the person receiving the truth. Yes the truth may be shocking or disappointing but in the long run it does not hurt anyone. On the other hand when I speak a lie and listen to lies, I will definitely be hurt. When I lie to people and do not keep my promises, it hurts them. I have seen this in my own life. I have lied to people and I have listened to lies, all it does is bring hurts. We are sometimes afraid of confronting others (in love) because we believe that they will be hurt. This is not true. If it is the truth I think it should be spoken in love of course. I think we should not be afraid of speaking that truth. This can only be done by the Grace of God. He is our enabler. THE TRUTH DOES NOT HURT, IT BRINGS FREEDOM AND RELIEF.