Christianity is a good way of life, unfortunately when it is not done right it is very destructive. There are many Christians who are self destructing. Many Christians are hurting inside but they don't want to deal with the pain so they use Jesus or Christianity to cover up their pain.
The worse thing is that sometimes Christians like to put up their fake self and not their true self. This becomes a pattern and in the long run we are so deep into our fake self that we believe it is who we are. Sometimes it is very hard to get Christians to admit that they are in emotional pain. There are so many Christians out there who are ashamed of themselves and they way they live.
Sometimes because of this we Christians become judgmental and competitive because it feels better to criticize someone or to look better than them. Christianity is not what some people have made it to be. It is not all about looking good on the outside. So many Christians are in pain and suffering, the remedy is to let God know your pain He will heal us and give us beauty for ashes. Don't be ashamed yourself Christians are humans too talk to God and live a life of freedom. Don't be pressured by other Christians and become a performer too.